Change syn
Change syn

Can I change them for a smaller size? b) to give a customer something different instead of what they have bought, especially because there is something wrong with it SYN exchange American English I’m sure the shop will change them for you. Can you change the baby? 7 bed to take the dirty sheet s off a bed and put on clean ones 8 exchange goods British English EXCHANGE a) to take back to a shop something that you have bought and get something different instead, especially because there is something wrong with it SYN exchange American English change something for something I bought these gloves for my daughter, but they’re too large. b) DHB to put a clean nappy on a baby, or to put clean clothes on a baby or small child I bathed him and changed his diaper. change into/out of Sara changed into her swimsuit and ran out for a quick swim. Change your dress – that one looks dirty. How often do you change cars (=buy a new car and sell the old one )? 4 → change your mind 5 → change sides 6 clothes a) TAKE OFF CLOTHES to take off your clothes and put on different ones Francis came in while Jay was changing. change something (from something) to something The time of the meeting has been changed from 11:00 to 10:30. When I lost my keys, we had to change all the locks. 3 replace something REPLACE to put or use something new or different in place of something else, especially because it is old, damaged, or broken Three boys were changing a tyre by the side of the road. Piper awkwardly tried to change the subject (=talk about something else ).

change syn

The company has had to change direction because of developments in technology. The ship changed course and headed south. change (from something) to something The company has recently changed to a more powerful computer system. 2 start doing/using something different DS to stop doing or using one thing, and start doing or using something else instead SYN switch She changed jobs in May. change something to something Mueller changed his name to Miller when he became a U.S. change somebody/something into something A witch had changed him into a mouse.

change syn

change into The hissing sound gradually changed into a low hum. change (from something) to something He changed from being a nice lad to being rude and unhelpful. The leaves on trees change colour in the autumn. Changing your eating habits is the best way to lose weight. S1 W1 verb 1 become different/make something different CHANGE/BECOME DIFFERENT to become different, or to make something become different Susan has changed a lot since I last saw her.Interchangeably From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics: Sport, Babies, Currencies, Transport, Motor vehicles, Nature change change 1 / tʃeɪndʒ / Changeable interchangeable changed ≠ unchanged changing ≠ unchanging changeless

Change syn